Our shining examples

Pictured after the Hato Hone St John awards presentation are, from left, Waipā District Councillor Roger Gordon, Ryan Hazelwood, Emily Mclintyre, Leo Loft, Michael Rix, Emma Barrett, Peter Fox-Worthington, Rev Michelle Willis and Jim Goddin. Middle from left are Jack Redpath, Nikki Mathews, Barry Baldo, Luka Dekic, Emmelie Williams, Damian Williams, Rebecca Brocklebank, Paulo Bazaldua, Jo Pannell, Karena Rix, Sarah Rix and Brent Nielsen. Front from left are Liam Miller, Aaron Dinan, Jed Harrison, Kolten Harrison, Nash Harrison and Flynn Cumming.

Recipients of local Hato Hone St John Youth Awards have been described as shining examples among their peers by Cambridge area committee chairman Jim Goddin.

Congratulating St John penguins and cadets at last month’s awards ceremony, he said their accomplishments were testimony to their talent and to the many hours of effort put in each week.

“You have demonstrated an outstanding community commitment and have set shining examples to your peers,” he said, urging them to use their skills to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

The ceremony marked the 2022 achievements of Cambridge cadets and penguins.  Cambridge divisional manager Karena Rix said circumstances had delayed the 2022 presentation until now and said the 2023 awards ceremony will take place at the beginning of next year.

Among the listed recipients were Jaydee Warburton, Emmelie Williams, Damien Williams, Jack Kirkpatrick, Rory Kirkpatrick, Michael Rix, Emily Mclintyre, Emma Barrett, Rebecca Brocklebank, Emmelie Williams, Sophie Orum and Xavier Claridge.

Michael Rix received the Divisional Cadet of the Year trophy for 2022.  He received a first aid award, was named the Friendliest Cadet and was presented with the Community Service Cup for having volunteered the most time in the community during the calendar year it covers.

A 10 Year Service award was presented to Karena Rix by Brent Nielsen, Commander of the Order of St John.

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