Christmas cheer donation time

Cambridge Salvation Army man Ben Cola and his trio of helpers – Amelia, Callum and Ruby Seath-Boyt – with one of the Christmas Cheer donation bins now dotted around town.

The annual Cambridge Christmas Cheer is up and running with donation bins set up around town and collections beginning to gather momentum.

The initiative is organised each year by CCOSS, the Cambridge Community of Social Services. They are a joint collective of local social services who work together to bring a little seasonal cheer into the lives of families who have engaged with those services during the year.

The CCOSS team is looking for donations of new unwrapped gifts for children up to the age of 16 as well as donations of non-perishable Christmas goodies.

Drop-off locations this year are at Cambridge i-Site, Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Cambridge Community House, Cambridge Paper Plus, and the Salvation Army.  Schools also receiving donations are Leamington Primary, and Roto-o-Rangi, Cambridge East and Cambridge Middle schools.

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