Put your sweet lips a little closer…

Cambridge Community Board’s September meeting, as seen by online viewers.

Teething issues experienced during Cambridge Community Board’s first meeting to be live streamed will be resolved, its chair says.

The board livestreamed its September meeting, allowing viewers to tune in to the Kaipaki Room of Waipā District Council’s Wilson St Cambridge service centre.

It is technology enjoyed by the Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Board for some time and chair Jo Davies-Colley said the Cambridge board has been waiting years for it.

The stream ran smoothly, but there were sections where the audio was hard to hear – and speakers would in future be “gently reminded” to sit closer to their microphone.

While some board members, and members of the public, got the hang of it there will be a be a learning curve as others adjust, Davies-Colley said.

Jo Davies-Colley

At last check there had been about 150 views of the meeting online, but after reviewing the video Davies- Colley acknowledged it was hard to hear parts of it. Board members Elise Badger and Alana MacKay shared a microphone at the meeting, and Davies-Colley said she was keen to see one for each speaker.

“There were also lots of positives,” she said. These included the ability for speakers at the meeting to join the live stream via Zoom and the fact power points which featured in some presentations were broadcast.

Davies-Colley said she would be open to even having those who wanted to speak in the public forum section of the meeting join the stream via Zoom at future meetings if they were unable to be there in person.

“The visual aspect of the video looks great,” she said.

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