Flying the flag for greyhounds

All lined up and ready to go – some of the 59 greyhounds that took part in the Great Global Greyhound Walk in Cambridge. Photo by Yvette Bodiam.

Fifty-nine greyhounds took part in the Cambridge’s Great Global Greyhound Walk late last month, making it the third biggest New Zealand centre doing the international awareness event.

The September 24 walk at the Cambridge Raceway was the second done in Cambridge and participation rates topping last year’s number of 48.  Ony Auckland and Christchurch rated higher in terms of 2023 participation numbers.

The event, started in the United Kingdom, has swept the globe.  This year, there were 458 walks done in 36 countries, with 11,818 ‘sighthounds’ involved.  Sighthounds are dogs that hunt primarily by sight and speed rather than by scent and endurance as ‘scent hounds’ do.

The annual theme for 2023, which is set by global organisers, was ‘flags’ which meant several of the hounds showed up appropriately decked out in flag attire.

Jenny Bartlett, a Waipa advocate for greyhounds and greyhound racing, was one of those involved.  She said the purpose of the walk is two-fold – one is to raise awareness of the breed and their potential as great pets once retired, and the other is fundraising.

“There is often a lot of criticism levelled at the industry, but in fact greyhound racing is one of the most regulated industries in this country,” she said. “The dogs coming through to an event like this are retired, not rescued, and they are looked after at a level often far higher than many other dogs in the community.”

Proceeds from the event go to what is called the Great Mates Rehoming Programme where retired greyhounds are prepared for life as household pets.   Great Mates Cambridge is part of that nationwide kennel base that prepares dogs for rehoming agencies and foster carers.

“They learn about things like stairs, mirrors and vacuum cleaners,” Jenny said, explaining that those and other elements of normal family life were not part of the racing environment.

“They get full health and dental checks and are tested for their adaptability with small animals … as would be the case with any dog looking for its forever home.”

All health checks and desexing is paid for by Greyhound Racing New Zealand (GRNZ) before a dog goes to any rehoming agency.

Potential homes are vetted before the nod is given for a dog to go to any new owner.  Rehomed greyhounds must sleep indoors at night, Jenny said, and properties must be fenced.  But once approved, they usually made great family pets and are loving and loyal.

Some of the funds raised through the walk will go towards buying doggy toys for those going through the rehoming programme in this area.

Jenny Bartlett’s greyhound Jamie won the Best Dressed Dog at the event. She is held here by Maureen Pruden who made Jamie’s kiwi flag outfit. Photo by Yvette Bodiam

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