Pathway extension to get kids to school safely

Cambridge Middle School student, Jakob Robbers in front of the School’s bike racks.

Safety improvements for Cambridge tamariki getting to and from school are on the way, and the community has the chance to have its say about the proposed extension plans.

The walking and cycling path extension on Clare and Grey Streets will join the existing Hamilton Road pathway that continues down Bryce Street to Duke Street, along Wilson Street to Victoria Bridge.

Waipā District Council’s service delivery manager, Dawn Inglis said the $10.2m project was a partnership project with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency through its Climate Emergency Relief Fund’s Transport Choices programme.

“Over 100 tamariki bike to Cambridge Middle School and this series of pathways will provide a safe space for children to get to school and home again. It’ll also lower traffic speeds, which will give parents some peace of mind, and hopefully encourage more students to walk, scooter or bike to school,” Inglis said.

“We had a great response to the initial engagement, and this has helped us form the three proposed plans for Clare and Grey Streets.”

The community can view the options and have their say at the drop-in session at the Cambridge council office, Wilson Street on Wednesday 4 October, from 4pm to 6pm.

“We’re also keen to hear what the tamariki think and will be hosting a workshop at the school to determine what will work best for them,” Inglis said.

In March, the community was asked to have their say on the pathway and more than 160 people submitted their feedback. Ninety per cent of submitters supported installing safer low speed zones around schools.

Feedback is open until 5pm, Friday 13 October. The community can view the plans and have their say online by visiting, or by collecting a survey from council offices or libraries.

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