Fancy a coffee?

Senior Constable Deb Hann – On the Beat

First off, this week, I want to let you know about an upcoming event next week. If you are wanting the chance to catch up, we invite you to join us at “Coffee with a Cop”. We’ll be at the Deli on the Corner cafe next Wednesday from 10.30 to11.30am.  I’ll have a few colleagues with me and look forward to talking all things crime prevention with you.

You may have noticed our Impairment prevention team (IPT) in town over the weekend conducting alcohol checkpoints. Four people were found to be driving over the limit and will be facing charges in court. With daylight savings due to commence this weekend, the Summer barbecue season will soon be upon us. Do not forget to plan before you party, make alternative transport or accommodation arrangements if having a few drinks away from home and be a responsible host to those that come to you.

The team also identified multiple people driving through the stop sign at the intersection of Bryce Street and Hamilton Road. Stop signs are installed at intersections where there is an increased risk of crashes. This may be due to speed limits on the roads involved or traffic volumes. A stop sign is not optional, it is compulsory. If you are seen failing to stop at a stop sign, this may result in a fine of $150 and 20 demerit points going onto your licence. If you amass over 100 demerits on your driver’s licence within any two year period, your licence will be suspended for three months.

Finally, school holidays begin this weekend. The younger members of our community will be enjoying two weeks off from school.  Please ensure you know where your children are, what they are doing and that they are adequately supervised when not with you. When younger children are simply left to roam the town in groups with friends, we often see an increase in reports of groups acting disorderly in our stores and petty thefts. When in a group a young person may get caught up in things they wouldn’t normally do.  There are several organisations offering holiday activities and programmes to keep them safely occupied.

It is also time for my holiday reminder to motorists – please be even more vigilant around children scootering and cycling around town. They can be unpredictable and lack the road sense of adults. Have a safe and happy holiday and enjoy some family time.









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