Riding off into the night…

First stop: Cambridge Community Board chair Jo Davies-Colley, second left, at the craft stand with from left James Macdiarmid, Emily Cameron, Molly Macdiarmid and Lily Cameron.

More than 1300 people participated in the inaugural Te Awa River Night Ride on Saturday.

Te Awa River Ride Charitable Trust trail manager Sarah Ulmer said she and the trust were “chuffed” with the numbers and the community support.

“Now we have finished the construction phase of the 65km path, we are focussed on creating outstanding user experiences along the full length of Te Awa and events like the Light Night is one example of this.”

There were loads of positives taken from the event and even more ideas.

“We would love to run this every year,” she said.

Cambridge Community Board chair Jo Davies-Colley, who helped out on the craft stand, said the organisers did an “absolutely amazing job transforming the river trail into a magical and unique journey.”

It was “awesome” to see so many members of the community come and be able to experience such a great event right on their doorstep.

“The whole night was a total success and I know my kids and I can’t wait for the next one.”

Te Awa River Night Ride – the highlights

Photos: Mary Anne Gill

All in the family: Andrew, Jacob, 7, Ethan, 5, Amelia, 9, (all Cambridge East School) and Sarah Brown at the Velodrome end of the Te Awa River Ride Light Night.

Cycleway barista: Miriam Ellis and her Cycle Coffee Company cart at the end of the night ride underneath the Velodrome, were doing a roaring trade in hot chocolates and chocolate fish.

Well lit: Cyclists at the end of the 2km stretch from the Gaslight Theatre to below the Velodrome stop for a hot chocolate.

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