On deck for Jonah’s fishy tail

Drama productions at St Peter’s Catholic School are always a team effort and this year’s high seas extravaganza is no different – with teachers, parents and students all heavily involved, making it a real community affair.

With its spectacular costumes and colourful sets, ‘Jonah, a Fishy Tail’ – which showcases magical underwater sea creatures, toe tapping sailors, villainous pirates, Spanish dancers and a seaworld kapa haka – is a visual feast.

Every child in the school takes part in the production, with the main roles played by Year 7 and 8 students, and with teachers Liz Sudfeldt directing and Cusha Hounsell producing the show.

Nyla Mayne plays the title role Jonah as he navigates his way to the ancient city of Nineveh, with help along the way from Charlotte Sparrow and Charlotte Ross as the two dastardly pirates ‘Peg it’ and ‘Leg it’ as well as a Spanish senorita played by Valentina Di Maio, and a cheeky crab played by Issie Kavanagh.

The story is one of reform; of seeking forgiveness and making a change for the better. It has been given a distinct Aotearoa twist with Koroua and Kuia, played by William Hayde and Zara Sudfeldt, telling the age-old story to their grandchildren Tai and Kara, played by Jaiden Molina and Grace Littlejohn.

Traditional NZ music and te reo versions of songs are sung by the students as well as a mix from the Beatles, the Carnival of the Animals, Spanish Flamenco and the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack.

This year the school was fortunate to be awarded a grant from ‘Creatives in Schools’ (CiS), a Ministry of Education initiative designed to support creatives working in schools, giving students and staff access to professional artists.

The grant enabled the school to hire local creatives Polina Loman and Jonty Climo from Ignite Academy, along with parent Nerina Sommerville.

“Not only was it incredible for the students to learn alongside these creatives but the tamariki had the opportunity to be inspired for future careers.  It was also fabulous to be able to support our local artists with the mahi,” Principal Anita Asumadu said.

“The dance flair and range of choreography, and stage direction and acting guidance from Polina and Jonty was a huge support to our teaching staff.  And Nerina’s creative vision and genius with costumes is a show stopper”, says Asumadu.

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