Leamington Kauri goal attack Amber Hutcheson looks to pass watched by teammates Adelaide Smith (partially obscured) and Georgia Cockerton (WA). Hautapu players, from left, GA Trelise Garvin, WA Sophie Cain, GD Isla Rawson. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.
Leamington Kauri team lead Cambridge Netball’s year seven and eight Future Ferns competition following their 5-4 win over Hautapu Taimana on Saturday.
Netball returned to the Cambridge courts after a break for the school holidays and continued on Sunday with the Year 7-10 tournament which was a fundraiser for the teams playing in the New Zealand Open champs in September.
Meanwhile the semi finals of the Premier ladies league was held last night after The News went to press.
Front runners Otorohanga played Hautapu Red, St Peter’s School took on Hautapu White and Leamington played United Matamata. All the games were played at St Peter’s School in Cambridge.

Leamington wing defence Adelaide Smith putting her team on attack watched by Hautapu WA Sophie Cain and GD Isla Rawson. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.

Leamington Kauri goal attack Amber Hutcheson.