Harlequin goal attack Mikaela Speake with Leamington goal defence Jess Meade and centre Courtney Sprott in the background at the Cambridge Netball Centre on Saturday. Leamington won 46-36. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.
There was plenty of action at the Cambridge Netball Centre on Saturday where players put their bodies on the line and battled to keep their footing in slippery conditions.

Leamington Junior Year 8A Kahikatea’s Pavneet Kaur vies for possession with Kahu Quinlan of Hautapu Marama watched by Mila Steenkamp. Leamington won 17-7. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.
- Harlequin centre Ella Carrington gets the pass away under pressure from Leamington wing defence Hannah Paterson and centre Courtney Sprott with goal defence Jess Meade waiting to intercept. Leamington won 46-36.
- Leamington Year 8 A Kahikatea’s s Sina Harris (C) bounce passing to Eva Fleming (GS).
- Leamington’s Pavneet Kaur (GD) vies for the ball with Amelia Hohneck (GA) of Hautapu.
- Hautapu’s Lucy Collins chases the ball watched by teammates from left Hollie McIntyre, Amelia Hohneck and Poppy Smythe while Leamington players Izy Bond (GA) and Charlotte Rennie (WA) look on.