Setting the wheels in motion

Five of Ko Wai Au Trust’s six staff members, from left, Mikaera Hemara and Emma Stockman, both rangatahi kaimahi, Tiri Maresca-Allison, team lead and co-founders, husband and wife Georgina and Andrew Christie.

A fledgling Waipa not-for-profit organisation – Ko Wai Au Trust – is planning the next phase of its community-minded aspirations.

The News reported on the trust’s launch in March and seven weeks later there are plans to purchase a van – thanks in part to discretionary fund grants from the Cambridge and Te Awamutu and Kihikihi community boards.

Both boards allocated $2000 from their respective funds, giving plans for the van – projected to cost about $24,000 – a significant cash injection for the Te Awamutu trust.

Ko Wai Au advocates for, and mentors, young people to ensure they can easily access training, education and employment opportunities.

Georgina Christie, who founded it alongside her husband Andrew, said they’re now investigating other funding avenues such as sponsorships to make up the balance.

One sponsor has already donated $500 for the cause.

“To have a van would be fantastic,” she said.

“We currently have two trust vehicles, but a van will open up other opportunities. We know outdoor education and fitness has such a positive impact to the wellbeing of our young people, so we could take them out on trips to places like Raglan or climb a mountain. There’s so much we could do.”

Both Andrew and Georgina have backgrounds in social work and Georgina said after about five years of planning, Ko Wai Au Trust has been established based on a key aspiration – with a “one-to-one mentorship model in mind.”

“Our heart is to ensure all whanau and rangatahi have the tools, skills and resources to thrive independently and confidently and to sustain family violence free environments.

“Essentially, it’s about breaking down barriers for these young people so they can then get into some sort of training, work or education. We’re doing lots of licensing work at the moment, as well helping our young people prepare their CV, or curriculum vitae. Setting themselves a goal to work towards helps them dream big.”

To date, Ko Wai Au has had 26 referrals of young people aged 15-24 from across Waipā, and its six staff work with 24 of them.

Seven young people have gone into either educational training or have found employment.

“When we see that happening, it’s a huge deal and our whole team is just so proud of those accomplishments,” Georgina said.

Referrals to Ko Wai Au come from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), Oranga Tamariki, the police and other places like Cambridge Community House.

Or people self-refer.

As well as founders Andrew and Christie, Ko Wai Au has four other staff, made up of team lead Tiri Maresca-Allison, a mental health nurse who is in the office two days a week, and rangatahi kaimahi, or youth workers, Mikaera Hemara and Emma Stockman.

Georgina said the trust has already sensed a need to provide support for – and journey with – teenagers younger than 15.

It’s hoped that once funding and staffing needs are in place, that need can be met in the near future.

Te Awamutu and Kihikihi Community Board granted $22,202.18 from its discretionary grants fund to 10 community organisations.

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