Gusty wins limit dragon boat racing

Circle of Life: International Breast Cancer Paddlers Commission (IBCPC) Dragon Boat Festival 2023

It may have ended less than satisfactorily with racing cancelled – gusty winds on Lake Karāpiro the main culprit – but there was still plenty to celebrate as the International Breast Cancer Paddlers Commission (IBCPC) Dragon Boat Festival wrapped up on Sunday.

Racing got underway in time but was postponed late morning as the winds got up and races never restarted.

The competitors, all breast cancer survivors from around the world, made the best of the break.

Double trouble: Twins Wan Ling Chin, left, and Wan Fang Chin, part of the support crew for Pink Challengers Malaysia. International Breast Cancer Paddlers Commission (IBCPC) Dragon Boat Festival 2023

One of the highlights was the Circle of Life which started with women diagnosed less than five years ago who joined hands to make a circle. It grew bigger as those having 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and ending with one woman making 45 years or less completed the circle.

Soon after 1.45pm president Meri Gibson announced it was unsafe to continue racing as boats were being pushed around in the water.

Ninety minutes later the global race finale, named in honour of Canadian woman Sandy Smith who competed in Abreast in a Boat until her death in February 2005, was held on land.

Usually it is held on the water with randomly paced women put into six dragon boats and set off for a single event.

The event instead honoured the athletes competing with matastatic (secondary) breast cancer.

Before the closing, a ritual known as the flower ceremony – where competitors throw flowers into the water to honour those who have lost their battle, those still fighting and those in remission.

Usually the flowers are dispatched from boats on the water.

Gibson said many competitors came up to her and said their dreams had come true by coming to New Zealand.

“As a small country we always aim high. These festivals are nothing but sheer moments of joy.”

There were perfect weather conditions for this wind surfer out on Lake Karāpiro while festival competitors danced to the music. International Breast Cancer Paddlers Commission (IBCPC) Dragon Boat Festival 2023

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