School plans celebration

Glenys Bichan is looking forward to officially opening the archive room.

Cambridge High School will throw a party to commemorate 50 years since its library opened – and the launch of its new archive room.

Library manager Glenys Bichan said the March 23 celebration would be a community event where people feel free to come back to their school and their school library.

The archive room is named after former principal George Marshall, who served from 1964-1972.

“I think for a school to have a sense of belonging, its students need to know its story, and now, for the first time, that story is in one place,” Glenys said.

She said the room had already been used by past Cambridge High School student Simon Moroney, now a renowned scientist in Germany.

“His father was the head of the science faculty at Cambridge High from 1950 and then again in the 1970s…and he was able to find photos of himself, photos of his father and rediscover his own story,” she said.

Staff have spent two years collecting the school’s taonga, which will be on display at the celebration.  These included student photos dating back to the 1940s, Board of Trustees minutes from 1892 and artefacts relating to the school crest and motto.


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