Retirement village launched

Ryman sales general manager Bernadette Forsdyke speaks to guests at the Cambridge village launch. Photo: Mary Anne Gill

Two packed rooms for the launch of Ryman Healthcare’s new Cambridge village last week shows the Waipā retirement industry is in a boom phase.

The $200 million Cambridge Road village is one of three under construction in Waipā – two in Cambridge and one in Te Awamutu – and another, on Maungatautari Road at Henley Hotel is going through a neighbourhood consultation phase.

It was a slick presentation at the Ryman village launch with powerpoint presentations and online participants. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.

Ryman chief executive Cheyne Chalmers told more than 170 people who attended a launch where plans were unveiled for the new Cambridge village that the company wanted to find a new name for it.

Villages in other centres have been named after famous residents – Anthony Wilding, Bert Sutcliffe, Bob Owens, Bob Scott, Bruce McLaren and in Hamilton, Hilda Ross and Linda Jones.

Ryman has joined forces with The News to call for suggestions.

“We think it is a great way to give the village an identity rather than just a location and pay respect to pioneering locals,” she said.

“Who better to ask than the people who live here already. There’s nothing better than local knowledge.”

Retirement Village Residents Association president Peter Carr said he believed in two years there would be more retirement village residents in Cambridge per capita than in any other similar centre.

Ryman chief executive Cheyne Chalmers speaks to guests at the Cambridge village launch. Photo: Mary Anne Gill

Waikato has 53 retirement villages, third behind Auckland and Canterbury.

The association’s website shows eight of the Waikato ones are in Cambridge, two in Te Awamutu and one in Ōhaupō. There are also two in the Waikato district, close to the Waipā border in Tamahere, one each in Putāruru and Morrinsville and two in Matamata.

Chalmers told the 170 people who attended the Cambridge information sessions the new village would include 80 resthome, hospital and dementia care beds.

Plans include an indoor swimming pool and spa, library, bar, movie theatre, dining rooms, café, hair salon and beauty therapy rooms.

The company designs, builds and operates its own retirement villages.

  • What do you think the new Ryman village should be called? Go into the draw for a Ryman bag and goodies with your name suggestion to [email protected]

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