St Andrews church in the 1950s
A Festival of Church Music at St Andrew’s Church is being brought to Cambridge for the first time.
The Auckland and Waikato branches of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) event will run over three days from January 20.
Up to 40 singers and church musicians from around New Zealand will get together on the Friday evening, with Saturday set aside for fellowship, meals and workshops. The celebration of church music will culminate in a sung Eucharist Service at 10am on the Sunday, a 4pm service on the same day, featuring items by famous composers. The Sunday services are open to the public.
RSCM Waikato secretary Merv Hunt said while other church music initiatives had been held in Cambridge this was the first time a festival such as this had come here. The most recent similar event was a five-day RSCM Summer School held in Auckland five years ago, he said.