Waipā by the numbers

The Waipā region | Image via Phillip Capper

We refer to Waipā in every edition – today we present Waipā by the numbers.




20% – under 15
62% – 15-65
18% – over 65


87.7% – European
14.9% – Mãori
4.3% – Asian
1.8% – Pasifika
1.4% – Other
0.5% – Middle Eastern, Latin American, African


8055 business units
$58,366 – average household earnings
$117,903 contribution to gross national product per filled job.

Waipā Council

Value of property, plant and equipment $2.082 billion
2 wastewater treatment plants
184 bridges and large culverts
6 water treatment plants
51 public toilets
663kms of watermains
222kms rural drains
4203ha of open space land
28ha of cemeteries
2 libraries
303kms wastewater pipes
1115km of roads and streets
2 public swimming pool complexes
339 staff (279 full time)
7 executives received a total of $1.286 million
Rates collected $68.925 million.

  • Source, Waipā District Council, Annual Report 2021-2022.

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