Cheers to the next three years – new Tamahere-Woodlands councillors Crystal Beavis and Mike Keir.
Mike Keir says first things first – the new look Waikato District Council’s first task is about relationships.
He and Crystal Beavis – near neighbours in Tamahere – join the council, with new mayor Jacqui Church, as representatives of the Tamahere-Woodlands ward.
And they agree that it is important the new councillors work together over the next term.
Both say they like the council’s vision.
Beavis is optimistic – “I don’t think we have any divisive people.”
Divided councils do not perform well, Keir said,
“I hope we get a consensus. We’ve got a lot of new members, I hope we can all get on board.”
Waikato has, like many councils, growing pains – and ensuring the infrastructure is geared to cope will be vital.
“Growth is going crazy – how you manage it is the issue,” Keir said.
The new councillors represent a sprawling ward which brushes by the boundaries of Cambridge and Hamilton and pushes north to Gordonton and the duo say they will work to maintain good communication lines.
“The ward is well served by a number of active district and community committees in the ward and we will aim to meet regularly with them,” Beavis said.
Beavis is a former Waikato DHB member and Waikato District Council senior communications advisor while Keir is managing director of JFK Ltd working in the construction industry.