Council to check slip by bridge

The slip adjacent to the Fergusson (High Level) Bridge

Part of the riverbank between Fergusson (Low Level) Bridge and Achilles Avenue in Cambridge has slipped into the Waikato River.

While Waipā staff say the slip is “not significant” compared to other slips on the riverbank, they will still meet Waikato Regional Council staff next week to see if any remedial works are required.

Because of its proximity to the bridge, the slip has been given “extra scrutiny,” said the council.

It has likely been caused by several factors including soft soils, the saturation of ground through a very wet winter, and potentially the river undermining the lower slope during high water flows.

Some slippage was first noted in July and it was fenced off at that point. A more recent slip occurred early this month.

There has already been planting on the adjacent areas of the river bank several years ago and the bank seems fine.

The slip on Achilles Avenue, Cambridge

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