The mystery hockey stick dropped off at Cambridge High School.
Cambridge High School has another historic mystery on its hands.
A woman dropped off an old hockey stick to the school last week but any story attached to it was lost when she did not leave her name.
School library manager and hockey administrator Glenys Bichan said she wants to know the story behind the hockey stick.
“Who played with it, where did they play, when was it used? We would love to know the answers,” she told The News.
It is the third time we have been asked to help.
The first came when Bichan asked us to help track down a mounted shell case from the HMS Achilles missing for years.
And the second time was in helping find Kay Connolly, now Katy Sanson, who designed the school’s coat of arms 56 years ago.
Both times we were successful so we are hoping for the trifecta.

The mystery hockey stick dropped off at Cambridge High School.
“It looks to me to be a real treasure, it certainly is very old,” said Bichan.
“Its value is in the story of it and we don’t have that.”
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