New heritage funding

St John’s Church in Te Awamutu.

Four projects in Cambridge, Te Awamutu, Kihikihi and Monavale have been allocated money in the recent round of the Waipā District Council-administered Heritage Fund.

The most significant is a $28,681 grant to The Parish of St John in Te Awamutu to paint its spire roof and weather board base along with the main church roof.

A kiosk history board project in Kihikihi at the Rewi Maniapoto Reserve will get $6924.

Both the church and the site have Category 1 Heritage New Zealand listings.

The fire security system in the kitchen at Monavale Homestead on Cambridge Road, 6kms south of the town, gets $8760 to fund work in the Category 2 Heritage listed building.

Committee members noted how much fundraising had already been done by the Torchbearer Trust for the kitchen upgrade.

Lakewood Development

The final grant went to the Lakewood Body Corporate which received $4345 to produce sign panels in the development depicting the site’s strong mana whenua and railway ties. It is the site of the former Cambridge Railway Station.

The committee said the narrative was not well represented anywhere in Cambridge.

The Waipā Heritage Fund carries an annual value of $70,000, with two funding rounds per year.

The fund was established in 2013 to assist with the preservation, enhancement and highlighting of the unique environmental and cultural heritage, diversity and history of the district.

The funding can be used to assist with physical works for heritage buildings, objects, natural vegetation, habitats, cultural or archaeological sites. The funds may also be used to assist with obtaining specialist advice where appropriate.

The Waipā Heritage Fund has assisted a wide range of projects including replacing stolen downpipes at St Paul’s Church in Rangiaowhia, controlling weeds at Karamu and Kaniwhaniwha reserves, a new roof for the Maungatautari Hall and restoring World War 2 memorial gates at Cambridge’s Memorial Park.

Cambridge Town Gates

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