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Plan ahead on expressway

Motorists travelling on the Cambridge section of the State Highway 1 (SH1) Waikato Expressway are advised to plan ahead, with a northbound left lane closure scheduled for both Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 March, followed…

Council boosts media following

Waipā’s communication and engagement team issued 66 media releases in the three months from November 1 to keep the community engaged and updated on the council’s work. Many were picked up and published in full…

Inflation welcomed …

Giants were at Albert Park in Te Awamutu on Friday evening as the Balloons visit Waipā event brought fun and colour for all ages. The hot air balloon visitation coincided with the annual Hamilton-based Balloons…

New light shed on St Paul’s

A window through which the residents of the settlement of Rangiaowhia looked, is in place after critical restoration work. Christchurch based conservators have restored the 170-year-old window at the altar of St Paul’s Anglican Church…