Another key link in the region’s riding trail has been opened – and it’s made getting to and from school a lot safer.
The pass takes cyclists and walkers under State Highway 21, Airport Road.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency built the underpass by Tamahere Park as part of its section of the Te Awa River Ride shared path between Cambridge and Hamilton.

The underpass provides a safe link for children attending Tamahere Model Country School.
The walls of the ramps down to the underpass include designs reflecting the history and importance of the Tamahere area to mana whenua.
The $4.4 million project has been eagerly awaited and will prove much safer access to school for students.
By mid-year the path will run for 65km between from to Lake Karāpiro.
The final stage is the link between Riverglade Dr, off Newell Rd, and Hamilton Gardens.
Tamahere featured last week on Fair Go who followed up our story about horse droppings being left on the river ride.
The community has long been concerned at the absence of safe crossing on Airport Rd.