Playground work takes shape 

Mark Wilkinson of Bivouac Landscapes climbs into part of the new Lake Te Koo Utu senior playground equipment.

It has been a mixed week at Lake Te Koo Utu with work on the senior playground ahead of schedule while there is a delay in the raingardens development, due to start this week.

Waipā District Council Water Services manager Martin Mould said equipment required for the raingardens to filter wastewater going into Lake Te Koo Utu has not arrived.

Work was scheduled for completion in June but will now extend out several weeks until all equipment has arrived.

Mould said work on the western side of the lake would now start after Easter.

Meanwhile at the northern end of the lake, a new senior playground is roaring ahead.

Installed to date are the benches, new water fountain, spinner, trampoline, senior modular and timber play. Footpaths and kerbs have been concreted.

The swings were to be installed on Tuesday and left to complete are the remaining paths and kerbs, turf and gardens.

Council is on target to be complete mid to end of May.

The makeover is part of the second and final stage of Waipā District Council’s renewal of play space at the popular location.

New features installed include a large lagoon play unit, a basket swing, jungle ropes, a double mega swing and a spinner alongside a timber trail and trampoline.

For safety reasons the recently upgraded junior playground closed for several weeks and reopened on Tuesday.

Play space contractors Brodiehailwood created the design and Fluhler Contracting is installing the playground.

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