Library loaded 

The Little Library Cambridge book exchange.

Cambridge’s Little Library red phone box is struggling with the weight of too many books and according to Cambridge Community Board chair Sue Milner has become a health and safety hazard.

Milner has asked the public not to put books on the top of the shelves when the rest of the Little Library, in Empire St, is full.

“We have had a tidy up of the shelves and were able to add some of the recently donated books, which were in very good condition,” she said.

Donated books need to be intact, have their covers and all their pages, be clean and have no browning edges.

“As Little Library is used by all members of the community, we ask for no X-rated books.”

Little Libraries are community book exchanges where readers are invited to take and return, or replace books.

If you have books to donate and the Little Library is full, consider donating to an Op Shop or Rotary’s Bookarama, “but only if they are in good saleable condition” and drop them in during operating hours, she said.

Many people have donated textbooks which have limited interest.

“Please find another way of disposing of them, and that does not mean just leaving them on the off chance that we will dispose of them, and that probably applies to Op Shops and Bookarama as well.”

Otherwise put them in the council-provided paper and plastic recycling bin.

“On the plus side, we have had some great books come through the Little Library, please enjoy them and when you have finished with them return them for someone else to enjoy,” said Milner.

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