Former chief steps in to help Waipā 

Ken Morris 

Departing Waitomo chief executive Chris Ryan will have little time to enjoy his retirement as he is about to fill a temporary gap at Waipā District Council.

Ryan will work at least two days a week in Te Awamutu where the council is experiencing a significant skills’ shortage.

Property Services manager Bruce Nunns left last week and there is still a vacancy for a property advisor.

Ryan has had a long career in local government. He was chief executive at Ruapehu District Council for 10 years and joined Waitomo in 2007.

Deputy chief executive Ken Morris said the labour market was extremely tight especially within the property sector.

Current property staff and contractors are back filling vacant roles.

Ryan will be a short-term resource.

“While he doesn’t have specific property expertise, we have taken Chris on just on a two day a week short term contract to lend a bit of assistance to the team using his broad based generalist local government management knowledge,” said Morris.

“The market is really tight. We have advertised for the full-time management position but to date that hasn’t yielded any suitable candidates.”
The property advisor vacancy was in a similar position.

Cr Susan O’Regan said they were significant roles in the organisation because of their interchange with the community.

“They are positions we really need and need filled really well.”

Miles said Waikato and Rotorua councils were seeking to fill the same positions.

Meanwhile an organisation in Waipā recently contacted The News to say staff turnover at the council seemed “huge.”

The person had four council project managers in four years to work with.

“When each new one started, it felt like starting again.”

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