Vax rates top table 

Luis Alvarez/Getty Images

Waipā continues to lead the region in Covid vaccinations.

By Tuesday, 97 per cent – or 35,735 of the district’s population – were fully vaccinated.
Nearly 9700 had received their booster vaccination.

Figures were not available for the numbers of Waipā paediatric vaccinations but across the Waikato vaccinators delivered 7695 doses by Tuesday.

Waikato District Health Board has established a new vaccination centre in the Cambridge Town Hall, and it will vaccinate all ages five years up every Saturday until the end of February from 10am to 4pm.

A pop-up vaccination centre will be in the carpark behind Leamington Medical Centre Thursday and Friday from 10.30am to 3.30pm.

This should take the pressure off places like Unichem Family Health Pharmacy and Cambridge Medical Centre which have borne the brunt of vaccination pressure from children and those requiring boosters.

Vaccinations will continue in Te Awamutu at 244 Arawata Street, the former Bunnings site) from 9am to 4pm every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Te Awamutu Medical Centre, Unichem Marshalls and Sanders Pharmacies will also provide booked and walk-up vaccinations.

Covid testing is available at a range of dedicated sites as well as GPs and designated GP practices.

There are no pop-up sites in Waipā and only one active Covid case for the district in Te Awamutu.

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