Hamilton Road cycleway near where a cyclist was allegedly hit.
A car with an out-of-town driver leaving one of Cambridge’s motels allegedly hit a cyclist riding along the Hamilton Road Cycleway on Tuesday.
Details of the incident appeared on social media posts with the cyclist saying while he was unharmed.
The incident appears to have highlighted a potential issue for the users of the new cycleway.
“The driver wasn’t coming out especially slowly, nor checking if anything was coming,” the cyclist reported.
“If he had checked, it wouldn’t have happened. If he was going slower or had looked, I’m confident I could have swerved and avoided him,” the cyclist said.
The News has not chosen to identify the cyclist but has contacted him via Facebook Messenger for further information.
“I’m not blaming him, nor upset with him. It was an accident, these things happen. He was also very apologetic and gracious.”
The cyclist said the driver was from out of town and staying at the motel. He was unaware of the cycle way out front.
“The simple issue here is that there is a host of vehicle access with obscured vision due to six feet fences with a cycle way barely two metres out.”
“Simple fix would be to lower the height of the fences back two metres from the boundaries allowing more vision,” said the cyclist.
Waipa District Council Transportation manager Bryan Hudson said risk arises on all footpaths and shared paths and the risk was higher where there was greater housing density and businesses coupled with high path use.

Bryan Hudson, transportation manager at Waipa District Council.
“While we will work to educate drivers and path users, ultimately we would like to build separated paths for very busy routes where there is good separation of pedestrians and cyclists from the driveways so all users are able to see one another and avoid conflict.
“For example the new section of cycleway along Hamilton Road is separated from the property boundary, allowing the vehicle driver to come out and stop and check that the cycleway is clear before proceeding,” said Hudson.
An earlier posting on the social media platform said drivers’ vision when coming out of driveways on Hamilton Road was restricted in some places and they were unable to see someone on a bike until it is too late.
“The section between Bryce and Grey Sts needs the most attention especially where the two motels are. You can’t see anyone on exiting,” the report said.
The author said she had seen other close incidents including a cyclist who narrowly missed the front of a car that had turned from Hamilton Road into Bryce Street.
“It was dusk, no lights or (the cyclist) was not wearing any form of hi viz so he could be seen.”
“It was not the driver at fault but the cyclist,” she said.
“A friendly heads up to everyone using this shared path, also the other side as well. (There’s) been a few close calls due to people walking and on their phones. Be safe on our paths, cycle so you stop quickly and check driveways.”
Update: 20 January 10am – The owner of the motel will put up a sign alerting guests to the shared pathway at the end of the property.