Waipā District Council and Lakewood developers have explained why several trees have recently been felled on Lake Te Koo Utu’s Camellia Walkway.

Foster Develop development manager Lloyd Stephenson, left, and Engas Developments director Steve Currie, right.
A reader contacted The News and Taupō MP Louise Upston when she said council staff told her they were “reluctantly” cutting down trees at the top of Lake Te Koo Utu for a big platform and to provide views.
Waipā Community Facilities team leader Brad Ward said his staff recently removed eight self-seeded camellias on Waipā land that were not great specimens.
Cambridge Tree Trust, who have planted extensively along the walkway, were told of the plans before the removal took place, said Ward.
“These were removed to allow a walkway connection to be installed from Lakewood to the walking track in an agreement with the development and council,” he said.
Foster Develop Ltd development manager Lloyd Stephenson said his company had recently installed picnic tables on Lakewood’s large grass area outside Hidden Lake Hotel and would extend a path through to the walkway.
It was also working with the Lakewood Body Corporate to open an area up so the public could easily access the lake walkways and its views, he said.
Further down the walkway towards the east, the council and Engas Developments, who are building 20 town houses, are improving pedestrian access and planting hundreds of native trees on Waipā land.
Two new walkways connecting the town houses and Lakewood to the Lake Te Koo Utu walkway network would also be developed, Engas director Steve Currie said.
Stephenson, who lives in Cambridge, said he loved the lake and wanted to protect its natural environment while making it accessible to Lakewood patrons.

Lloyd Stephenson of Foster Development

Steve Currie of Engas Developments