In Focus – Michelle Edge

Michelle Edge in Piopio at Mokau Kohunui Marae

Cambridge nurse Michelle Edge has been on the vaccination front-line since early this year.

Michelle has been a registered nurse since 1994 and in that time has worked at Waikato and Tokoroa hospitals, K’aute Pasifika and Healthcare NZ.

During her time as vaccinator, Michelle has travelled around the Waikato going to rural areas like Piopio, Aria, Whakamaru, Waikāretu, Te Ākau, Oparure and in Cambridge and Te Awamutu.

Name: Michelle Edge

Birthday: 11th January 1964

Where were you born: Papakura

Where did you go to school: Papakura High School

Did you go to university/tertiary institution? if so, what did you study: NZRCpN, Master of Arts (Nursing)

Present hometown: Leamington, Cambridge

What role/s do you fill: Vaccinator, Cold Chain, Post Vac

Tell us a bit about your family: I am the youngest of three sisters. I have been nursing at one rank or another since I was 15.

Do you have pets: two dogs – Barney and Betty Rubble

Favourite movie: Love Actually, Good Morning Vietnam

Favourite singer or band: Crowded House

Name one of your top 10 favourite New Zealanders: John Kirwan

Favourite bird: Kereru

Best moment ever: Walking through the doors of Michael Fowler Centre to graduate for my Masters, the realisation of my achievement blew me away – Professors and Doctors of Academia on stage in full regalia – WOW moment for me.

Favourite sport: I enjoy watching major games in rugby, Para-Olympics – these athletes are amazing and humbling – true Olympians and Winter Olympics, but not one sport.

Best sporting moment ever: A friend and I pulled together four teams of four for 2005 and 2006 Wattyl Taupo Cycle Challenge. Managed to complete half of Taupo over those two years.

Best place visited: Rome

Favourite holiday spot: Taupo

Favourite food: slow cooked beef cheeks in red wine

What’s your signature dish: Love to cook a lot, especially for family and friends, so have a few favourites. Home-made curry, Chocolate cake. Producing a Christmas Menu each year is my favourite time to cook.

Hobbies: My Garden, my 2 dogs, cooking, spending time with friends and family

Anything else you would like to add: I am in a job I love, being able to make a difference in the wider community in such difficult and unusual times, meeting people in very rural/remote communities, and visiting some of the most beautiful places I had never been to before. I consider myself privileged.

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