Leamington Cemetry
Some cemeteries will be at full capacity in a little over a decade, district councillors have been told.
The region’s 10 public cemeteries can take another 12,000 burials – which at the current rate would provide space for a further 60 years.
But some are likely to be full or almost full in a decade.
They are Paterangi, Te Awamutu, Puahue and Pukeatua.
Waipā District Council’s reserves planner Tofeeq Ahmed identified those closest to filling up in mid-2030’s in a report to the Waipā District Council.
The district’s burial sites also three private cemeteries and many urupa and there are about 200 burials a year.
The 10 public cemeteries of Hautapu, Kihikihi, Leamington, Ōhaupō, Paterangi, Pirongia, Puahue, Pukeatua, Pukerimu and Te Awamutu are managed by council.
Mr Ahmed has been working on a study to look at how existing cemeteries can cope through to 2048, how they may be extended and how amenities in existing cemeteries can be improved.
A hectare will provide space for about 1200 burials as well as cremations and space for buildings, roads, gardens, and Waipā cemeteries filling up Te Awamutu cemetery is one of 10 public cemeteries in Waipā parking.
Leamington cemetery has its own section for eco-burials, or natural burials, which take up more space.
Natural burials require larger plots to allow for memorial plantings to grow.
The footprint of the Hautapu cemetery has also been reduced to provide for roading changes.

Hautapu Cemetry