Building consents top $100 million

Building consents valued at $114.6 million were issued by Waipā District Council in the first quarter of this year.

Among the 453 consents were 145 new dwellings. The significant consents were:

• 2 Fort Street Cambridge, Removal of existing dwelling and construction o f a new police station (Cambridge Police Base).

• 105 and 125 Ohaupo Road Te Awamutu, demolition of existing industrial buildings and construction of 14 dwellings.

• 72 Lochiel Road Road Hamilton, new clubhouse building (Riverside Golf Club).

• 35 Lochiel Road Road Hamilton, Stage 1 – concrete pad and foundations, new commercial warehouse and offices for small fruit machinery manufacturing.

• 105 Ohaupo Road, Te Awamutu, 16 new two-storied townhouses.

• 137 Ossie James Drive, construction of new business hub

• 3/105 Hautapu Road, Tamahere, two level self-storage facility.

Tony Quickfall, the council’s manager District Plan and Growth, told the Strategic Planning and Policy committee last week consent numbers were up from the same period last year.

“Consents haven’t eased up, there’s more coming through the door,” he said. “Growth comes with growing pains so we’re trying to manage that.

“We know there’s new greenfield growth cells coming on stream. We anticipated this but they are probably coming on stream a little bit faster than what Waipā 2050 anticipated.

“It might be two or three years before we see a bit of an ease off,” said Mr Quickfall.

Other talking points from the Strategic Planning and Policy committee:

• Waipā now has 8860 registered dogs with 123 unregistered dogs.

• A consented subdivision in Pirongia on Inglefield Street will create 21 large lots over 7.2054ha.

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