Network plan is tabled

Two transformational plans for extensive walking and cycling networks in Cambridge and Te Awamutu are up for discussion.

They are part of the Urban Mobility proposal being considered for funding in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan.

The plans for each town were created following consultation with residents last year which showed strong support for investment in protected cycleways and shared pathways.

Waipā District Council service delivery group manager Dawn Inglis said the plans were a high-level overview of what the future of walking and cycling could look like in Waipā’s main towns.

The proposed networks would create pathways for cyclists to move across Waipā’s main towns, provide connections to key destinations such as schools, and allow residents to get just about anywhere in town safely and easily on a bike, scooter or on foot.

Inglis said if funding was allocated, further consultation would be carried out to give residents the chance to have their say on the finer details of the plans.

Around $10.5 million in funding is being sought for Urban Mobility which would be rolled out over the next decade.

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