10-year-plan: lots of places to talk

Waipā residents are being given a host of opportunities to discuss the district’s 10-year plan proposals.

The Waipā District Council has unveiled plans to find $2 billion of spending over that time and use ratepayer funds to cover just under half of it.

Council staff will attend 10 community meetings and 13 events between now and April 27 to be available for questions from the public.

The council wants to approve the 2021-2031 plan on June 29 after public hearings on May 11 and 12.

Opening a 56-page consultation document Mayor Jim Mylchreest notes Waipā has become a desirable destination to live at a time when housing affordability has become a huge issue.

“New Zealand has also declared a climate change emergency, which impacts many parts of our business including stormwater management, management of water supply, roading, property, emergency management, and the issue of planning and building consents.

“However, there are many things we can do together to help reduce emissions, for example, recycling, waste minimisation, riparian and forestry planting, managing our fleet, promoting the use of cycleways and walkways, the management of our facilities and wastewater treat.”

He says he is confident “that we have set out a strong programme of work that will see our district continuing to thrive.”

You can have your say on the proposals — ranging from upgrading urban mobility to cleaning up Lake Te Koo Utd — at: https://www.whatsnextwaipa.nz/

Consultation details:
Community Events: – Saturday, 11-noon, Tour of Memorial Park, at the entranceway. Monday, Te Awamutu main street (outside Pickle and Plum) 9.30am – 1.30pm; Tuesday, Cambridge main street, outside BNZ, 9.30am – 1.30pm; Wednesday, Pirongia Five Stags, 5.30pm – 7pm.

April 1, Te Awamutu Twilight Produce Market 2pm – 6pm; April 7, Ōhaupō Community Sport and Recreation Centre 5.30pm – 7.30pm; April 11, Cambridge Trash ‘N’ Treasure Market 8am – 1pm;  April 14, Cambridge Library/Council foyer, Wilson Street 4.30pm – 6pm; April 16, Te Awamutu Library foyer, Selwyn Lane 4.30pm – 6pm; April 18, Tour of Lake Te Koo Utu, by the carpark, 11am – noon; April 19, Kihikihi main street, outside the Superette 9am – 1pm, April 21, Te Awamutu main street (outside Pickle and Plum) 10am – 1.30pm, April 22, Cambridge main street, outside BNZ, 10am – 1.30pm.

Community Group presentations – Tuesday, Te Awamutu Rotary 5.30pm;  April 6, Te Awamutu Chamber of Commerce; April 7, Cambridge Grey Power, Cambridge Community Centre, 1.30pm and Iwi Consultative Committee, Council Office, Te Awamutu 1.30pm and Cambridge Community Board, Council Office, Cambridge 6pm; April 12, Pirongia Community Association, Methodist Church, Crozier Street, 6pm; April 13, Te Awamutu Community Board Council Office, 6pm; April14, Kihikihi Residents And Ratepayers Association; April 15, Te Awamutu Grey Power; April 20, Cambridge Chamber Of Commerce, 6.30pm.

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