Opinion: a buffet of possibilities

By Louise Upston

MP for Taupo

Happy New Year! It is a whole new year and hopefully you are enjoying a great festive break with family and friends.

As I welcomed in the dawn of 2021 in the peace and quiet of the NZ bush, I was reminded of the beauty, peace and serenity that living in New Zealand brings and I am hopeful for our future.

It’s a common custom on the first day of the new year to take time to reflect and make New Year’s resolutions. A whole new year provides a buffet of possibilities and usually sees ambitious thoughts and goals for improvement, whether at home, work or simply for personal development.

Whatever your resolution was, if you made any, it was an opportunity to turn our faces to the future and forget the past.  I know that I was eager to turn the page and welcome in Day 1, 2021.

As for the past 365 days where I did the best I can, you and I’ll keep doing just that.  Each new day of 2021 will be one more day that I get to do a job that I love, to work with you and on behalf of you, the fabulous people that make up the Cambridge community.

We do have a lot of work to do this year, and in coming months I’ll elaborate a little more about the community and business engagement workshops I am planning.

For now, I hope like me, you are taking the time to enjoy yourself.

From my family to yours, here’s hoping that 2021 will be everything you are hoping for.

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