Tower opponents celebrate

Resident Anita Tritar argued against the cell tower, saying “I don’t think it should be on anybody’s doorstep when there’s options to put it elsewhere”.

2degrees has pulled its proposed plans to install a cell tower in one part of Cambridge and affected residents are lauding as a “great outcome”.

But the company may come up with an alternative site.

The News reported in March – before lockdown – that the telecommunications provider had lodged a resource consent process with Waipā District Council to allow it to install a 15m high lamp post with a 2degrees microcell antenna on top at the corner of King and Stafford streets.

Following news of the proposal, residents formed the Cambridge East Community Group – and a petition was launched after letters were sent out informing residents of the resource consent process.

When last reported, the petition had garnered about 250 signatures and, among others, Councillors Philip Coles and Roger Gordon as well as Louise Upston and one of her staff members, Louise Allen, had come to the aid of residents.

Cambridge East Community Group spokesperson Brad White confirmed in a statement, which he released to the News on Saturday, that while 2degrees was withdrawing its proposal for King and Stafford streets, the company was now looking at an alternative site at the corner of Robinson St and Thornton Rd – at the roundabout on top of an existing lamp post.

This is obviously a great outcome for us,” he said.

Mr White had earlier stressed the group had not been “out to get” 2degrees.

Rather, group members believed they had a mandate from the community in the area to ask 2degrees to explore other sites.

“We were just saying let’s explore everything,” he said.

The proposed tower on the corner of King and Stafford streets would have been put up right outside Amina Tritar’s house – but she said the group was not about seeing the tower “become somebody else’s problem”.

“I don’t think it should be on anybody’s doorstep when there’s options to put it elsewhere,” she said.

Mr White confirmed Philip Coles was now working directly with the residents in that area and ensuring that consultation happened prior to any action.

In his statement, Mr White said the positive result mirrored that achieved by the Pirongia Action Group last year, where – in Pirongia – the group worked with 2degrees to find a site that suited everybody.

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