Mike Pettit and Philip Coles are looking forward to seeing this fir become Cambridge community Christmas tree.
It was originally intended to be an artificial tree in front of the town hall – but a free, existing fir tree nearby, at the right shape and size, proved to be the perfect, and enduring, choice.
The fir will become the Cambridge community Christmas tree in Victoria Square and will be lit up this Friday.
When the Cambridge Community Board began work on the project six months ago it was intended to have an artificial tree – but then the better option just across the road was identified as one which could be used every year.
“We welcome the community to come down and see the lights switch on,” said Philip Coles, a former Cambridge Community Board member and organiser with Mike Pettit, Julie Epps and Roger Gordon.
It’s been a community collaboration of sorts, with John Davidson’s Year 10 woodwork class at Cambridge High School crafting a giant silver star for the tree, and the Cambridge Cricket Club providing picket fencing to go around the base of the tree.
Funding has come from Cambridge Lions and the community board.
The lights will be installed by Cambridge electricians Steen and Morrow and Waipa Networks will provide the equipment to get the star placed on top and secured in place.
The star will light up each night, along with the Christmas lights.
Coles and former board chair Mike Pettit – who are now Cambridge ward members of the Waipā District Council – hope to make the community Christmas tree an annual event.