Lea Woutersen, Ineke Zegwaard and Ineke Matthys with some of the pieces they will feature at the Cambridge Society of Arts’ Annual Art Exhibition this weekend.
The St Andrews Church Hall will become the centre stage for Cambridge’s artistic talent this weekend when the Cambridge Society of Arts (CSA) holds its Annual Art Exhibition.
The free event, where all featured works are for sale, will also include an exhibition from the Cambridge Camera Club.
“It’s a good chance for the (CSA) members to show off their work and sell something, and at a good time of year as well, just before Christmas,” said Ineke Zegwaard, CSA treasurer. “But for us it’s not about selling art to make a living, it’s showing it to the people. And if you sell something, great.
“Most of the art will be at a very reasonable price too.”
Lea Woutersen, another CSA member, said one of the highlights was the feedback from the public. “It’s nice when other people like your work,” she said.
“It’s a good buzz,” Ineke added as they looked over the many works of art at the CSA’s “Painting Place” on Thornton Rd.
“You always want to show it all, but we’ve limited ourselves to just a few pieces each,” said Lea.
Each of the 30 artists featuring work in the exhibition will feature either five small pieces, three medium or two large.
Although the group meets every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning at The Painting Place, many of the 56 members prefer to work from home. “So it’s a great chance to catch up with everyone,” said Ineke, agreeing the event actually sees more members turn out than at their annual AGM.
“There’s always a wide range of styles and media, because everybody is different. Some are very realistic, others more abstract. There’s acrylic, oil, watercolour, mixed media, all sorts.”
Both women agreed the best thing this year would be to see a good turn out from the public. And why not – it’s free.
“We just hope for a lot of people … why not come and see what’s on offer,” said Lea.
“You never know,” said Ineke, “You may find something you’d really enjoy having in your home.”
The event takes place from 10am to 4pm over November 16 and 17 at St Andrews Church Hall, corner of Victoria and Hamilton Rd, Cambridge.