Quilt expo this weekend

Members of the Cambridge Patchwork Group – Dianne Murphy, Margaret Jalil and Shelley Liddy – with some of the quilts going on display this weekend.

This weekend’s exhibition of quilts by members of the Cambridge Patchwork Group will blend skilled handicraft with good causes.

The August 24/25 exhibition is at St Andrew’s Church hall from 10am to 4pm on both days. It will display and sell quilts made by the group’s members; about 60 of the quilts will go to Waikato/Bay of Plenty Camp Quality youngsters.

Camp Quality New Zealand is a volunteer charitable trust that runs camps for children living with cancer. It was established in 1983 in Australia as a support network for children living with cancer and their families, intended to enhance the quality of life.

Members of the Cambridge Patchwork Group will also have refreshments and sales tables available this weekend, plus three raffles – a Day by Day Quilt, a Jacobean Quilt, and a Pamper Basket. Proceeds from the raffles will go to the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand.

Patchwork group members worked on their quilts in the town hall’s Victoria Room last weekend during the model train exhibition hosted by the Greater Waikato Railway Modellers Exhibition.  It was the second time the two groups had exhibited together – the first was in 2017.

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