Volunteers praised as face of Cambridge

Some of the i-SITE volunteers at their morning tea. They are, from left, Karina Fitch, chairman Philip Coles, Rachael Colgan, Mandy Beamiss, Vicky Ewing, Patricia Steel, Emma Carter, Carol Chamberlain, and Destination Cambridge CEO Miff Macdiarmid.

Volunteers at Cambridge i-SITE were treated to a celebratory ‘Volunteers Week’ morning tea last week to mark their contribution to the town.

The seven-day-a-week operation has a team of 27 regular volunteers who cover a multitude of tasks. Some have been there for years, said Destination Cambridge CEO Miff Macdiarmid.  “In reality, we couldn’t do the job we do without the volunteers. This town would be a different place without them.”

Chairman Philip Coles said the volunteers at i-SITE were the face of Cambridge. “In many instances, they may be the only contact our visitors have with Cambridge. That, and their local knowledge, is invaluable.”

Miff said Destination Cambridge was a member of Volunteering Waikato, and there was always a need for more volunteers to swell the team. Anyone interested in finding out more should contact Cambridge i-SITE on 823 3456.

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