The Cambridge-Le Quesnoy sister city committee is working to attract Cambridge residents into town on July 14 for their annual French day of fun.
Members of the Cambridge-Le Quesnoy sister city committee are planning a celebration of Cambridge’s French connection to Le Quesnoy next month.
The annual “Bonjour Bastille Day” will take place on Sunday, July 14 in what is aimed to be a light-hearted mid-winter day of French activities, food and fun.
In the lead up to the event Cambridge children are invited take part in a colouring competition, with prizes up for grabs (sponsored by Bayleys Cambridge) on the day. Forms will be available from the i-SITE and at www.cambridgelequesnoy.co.nz from July 1, with entries closing on July 11.
The French-themed set up in the town centre will include free French activities, the Bonjour Bastille Day stall (10am – 2pm outside BNZ), giveaways, music from the Cambridge Brass Band, and prizes for a quiz, best French dress up, and for correctly pronouncing our sister city name “Le Quesnoy”.
Shops will also go French for the day, including some cafes and restaurants too.
By popular demand the French progressive dinner will return this year to round out the day – for adults only to enjoy. The dinner will include three courses, each at different restaurants.
For more information about the day’s schedule, and the progressive dinner’s menu, pricing and booking details, visit www.cambridgelequesnoy.co.nz or www.facebook.com/CambridgeLeQuesnoy.