Upston to attend Anzac services in Le Quesnoy

MP Louise Upston attended Anzac Services in Cambridge in 2016 (pictured). This year she’ll be commemorating the day in Cambridge’s sister city, Le Quesnoy, France.

Cambridge local and Taupo electorate MP Louise Upston will be attending Anzac services in Le Quesnoy, France this year – Cambridge’s sister city.

“This year I will be taking part in the procession to the New Zealand Battlefield Memorial in Le Quesnoy, a town that means so much to the people of Cambridge,” said Upston, who last year attended Anzac services in Tokoroa and Taupo.

Le Quesnoy was under occupation for most of the First World War, until November 4, 1918 when it was liberated by New Zealand soldiers.

“The people of Le Quesnoy have never forgotten this bravery,” said Upston. “Streets are named after New Zealand places, there is a New Zealand memorial and a primary school bears the name of a New Zealand soldier.”

“Our region has a strong military history and contributed many men and women towards the efforts of our armed forces.”

“In my absence, members from the Youth Advisory Board will be laying a wreath at both the Taupo and Cambridge civic ceremonies.”

“Today there are many men and women from not only our region, but all over New Zealand, who are playing a part in protecting peace, security and democracy.

“I would like to thank them and give my thoughts to the family members of those currently serving overseas.”

Anzac services in Cambridge on Anzac Day, Thursday April 25, will include the traditional Dawn Service at the cenotaph outside the Cambridge Town Hall at 6am, gathering on the plaza from 5.45am. The Reserved Services Association march, led by the Cambridge and Districts Pipe Band, will start at 8.45am, gathering on Empire St opposite Cambridge Vets at 8.30. The march will conclude at the Cambridge Town Hall where the Anzac Civic Service of Remembrance will take place from 9am, with the Town Hall open from 8.30am.

On Wednesday night, April 24, a special Anzac Light Show will project onto the Cambridge Town Hall exterior between 6pm and 8.45pm. Meanwhile, from 7.30pm, an Anzac Salute Concert will be held inside the town hall, featuring the Cambridge Brass Band and Hamilton Big Band playing a selection of Anzac theme-related music.

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