Malaika Kilian receives her certificate and jacket, pictured with, from left, Cambridge High School Head of PE Joel Baker, Sport Waikato District Co-ordinator Rebecca Foy, Cambridge High School Principal Greg Thornton and WILSS KiwiSport Leadership Development Officer Nicki Blake.
Cambridge High School student Malaika Kilian was presented with a special certificate and jacket by the Waikato Institute of Leisure and Sport Studies on April 1, during Student Volunteer Week, for her volunteer work with the organisation.
She was thanked for taking time out to help others have great experiences in sport and physical activity.
“Keep encouraging those you are helping, it’s a lot of fun and I get a huge amount of enjoyment out of it,” said Malaika, “it feels great afterwards and you gain a sense of achievement when it’s all over.”
Malaika started the Waikato Institute for Leisure and Sport Studies KiwiSport Leadership programme in 2018 and has already completed over 100 hours.
She has volunteered at several sporting events and was involved with a number of activities including coaching, umpiring, dance, triathlon, netball, athletics and pentathlon.
Malaika said she most enjoys the feel-good factor one gets after volunteering, and loves giving back to sport and her community. She loves the great feedback she receives from parents too.