Rumours about the Victoria Rd construction site have included a supermarket and a bomb shelter. The reality is far less exciting, but very crucial: Council is building a stormwater pond and swales.
Excavation work underway at Cambridge North has cranked up the Cambridge rumour-mill.
Excavation work started last week at Victoria Rd site and speculation has already begun on social media about what is being built.
Waipa District Council project manager Robin Walker said guesses to date include a supermarket, a manufacturer, a bomb shelter and more houses. But it’s none of those things.
“For most people, the truth won’t be anywhere near as exciting,” he said. “The truth is, Council is building a stormwater pond and swales to service properties in Cambridge North. It’s not necessarily glamourous, but it is essential infrastructure.”
Walker said Spartan Construction has started work digging out the stormwater pond and will move on to build the two 20-metre wide swales designed to absorb and drain stormwater within the next few weeks.
“The first swale will travel along the expressway to The Oaks. The second swale will eventually travel along Laurent Road to the rugby club, as development requires it” Walker said.
“It’s no supermarket, but at $2.6 million this is a significant project that will improve the way stormwater is managed for current and future Cambridge North residents. Without it, these housing developments simply couldn’t happen.”
Work also includes extending the shared pathway along the expressway swale to The Oaks, perhaps the more “exciting” part of the project.
“The new shared pathway will mean people can ride all the way to Victoria Road and hook up with the present cycleway there.”
The stormwater and swale project was originally signalled in the 10-Year Plan and is expected to be finished in mid-2019.