St Peter’s Catholic School principal Grant Stuart, left, seals the deal with Lugtons Cambridge manager Peter Hulsdouw, watched on by Waipā Fun Run organisers Donna Warwick and Lisa Hodgson. Lugtons has come on board as new naming sponsor for the annual fun run.
The annual Waipā Fun Run organised by St Peter’s Catholic School has a new naming sponsor – Lugtons Real Estate.
The new partnership was described recently by Lugtons’ Cambridge manager Peter Hulsdouw as a “particularly good fit” with the company.
“Lugtons is interested in promoting community health. We are also naming rights sponsors for the Lugton’s Round the Bridges event in Hamilton. This new association with St Peter’s Catholic School is our second with an event of this nature; it’s a great community event and we are happy to get behind it.”
St Peters’ Catholic School principal Grant Stuart welcomed the move, adding that as a “good family business” Lugtons shared similar values to those held by the school. “This is a good partnership for us,” he said.
The commitment is initially for three years, with an option to review after that.
The Waipā Fun Run began in 2012 and has grown to become one of the school’s major fundraisers. It was known by that name until REMAX came on board as naming sponsor several years ago.
It takes place each autumn in Cambridge’s Victoria Square, and offers a range of events suited to all ages and abilities, from a 2km School Challenge up to a 10km run and walk. Hundreds of sponsors support in numerous ways, and local businesses and volunteers step up to help out, either in hands-on terms or by offering an impressive range of spot prizes.
St Peter’s event organisers Lisa Hodgson and Donna Warwick said the numbers of participants had been growing steadily through the years, with some now coming from outside Cambridge.
The next fun run is set to take place on Sunday, March 10, 2019.