National MPs Louise Upston and Nicola Willis during their visit to Bunnies Childcare and Pre-School.
Two National MPs made visits around Cambridge on Friday last week. Our local MP for the Cambridge/Taupo electorate Hon. Louise Upston hosted Nicola Willis from Wellington, National’s spokesperson for Early Childhood Education, for a public Friendly Forum at the Cambridge Health and Community Centre followed by a visit to a few early childhood centres around town; Te Kohanga Reo o Kemureti, Bunnies Childcare and Pre-School and Grow Early Education.

Nicola Willis (right) National’s spokesperson for Early Childhood Education.
Having entered Parliament this year, Nicola noted the importance of meeting people involved in the industry on the ground floor and seeing the diversity of the many different early childhood education centres.
“That’s the only way to really learn, to come and talk to the people doing it face to face, see what they’re working with,” she said during their visit to Bunnies. “The level of care that they have for (young children) really blows me away, I just love seeing that, it’s a very positive part of our community.
“Plus, I like cuddling babies, I’ll be honest!” she laughed, as a mother of four herself.

MP Nicola Willis took the opportunity to speak with early childhood educators about their thoughts, needs and desires in the industry.
“It’s a good opportunity to connect and see what’s happening,” added Louise, whose three children attended Bunnies as youngsters.
“I’m trying to listen to as many early childhood educators and parents as I can and see the different ways that it’s done in different communities,” said Nicola. “It’s a wonderful sector.”