Judy Uden: Distinguished Toastmaster

Judy Uden started attending Toastmasters in 2003 and has just achieved its highest award – the Distinguished Toastmaster Award.

Congratulations to Judy Uden, a member of Cambridge’s TreeTown Toastmasters, for achieving the highest award in Toastmasters. This is the Distinguished Toastmaster Award, which is only achieved after many years of public speaking practice.

In order to gain the Distinguished Toastmaster Award, Judy has earned the Competent Communicator (CC) award (10 graduated speeches), the Advanced Communicator Gold (a variety of 20 speeches), the Competent Leader (CL) award (carried out all the roles in a Toastmaster club), served six months as a Toastmaster Club officer, served one term as a district officer, participated in the preparation of a Club Success Plan, earned her Advanced Leader award, and also served as a club mentor.

Judy has had health battles over the last year but was determined not to give up. To complete the last task of club mentor, she was able to use technology and Skype into a struggling Toastmasters club in order to assist the members.

Judy is proud to share her Toastmasters story with others. When she first joined Toastmasters in 2003, Judy said she was incredibly shy and would look down rather than talk to someone. Such is her confidence now, that she has also competed in a variety of speech competitions and is a master of Table Topics – impromptu speaking.

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