Remember your bags tomorrow

Plastic Bag Free Cambridge members showing some of the group’s creations, from left: Helen Parker, Sorrel Brydon, and Linda Weijers. Photo – Michael Jeans.

Plastic Bag Free Cambridge is hoping the town will collectively turn its back on plastic shopping bags tomorrow, October 13, opting instead to take reusable bags to the shops.

It’s a cause that’s gathering momentum, with Countdown going plastic bag free from Monday, and the PBFC collective is hoping the new mindset will stick. PBFC organiser Sam Brydon said, “Plastic bags are just one small part of the single use plastic problem, but they are one of the easier fixes, because there are so many reusable bag options available now.

Dot Harding’s Christmas quilt will be auctioned off at noon tomorrow at Fresh Choice in Leamington.

“I hope the town can really get behind this and see it as a practice for the real thing, when single use plastic bags are hopefully banned next year.  They do so much damage to the environment, on land and in our oceans, and they are completely unnecessary. I would love to see people remember their bags every day, but this is just a start.”

Cambridge’s sewing collective – which has distributed around 4,500 free bags in town in the past year – will be handing out reusable bags at Vege Fresh and New World tomorrow (Saturday, October 13) and will have a stand at the Farmers’ Market, where they will be sewing bags and putting on a photo booth. They will also be selling their fancier bags for a donation that will go towards covering the group’s ongoing costs, as well as running a raffle for a Christmas quilt and a zero-waste kit to help you go plastic-free. Tickets for the raffle will be $2 each or 3 for $5.

PBFC member Dot Harding will be putting her intricate 1,000th bag up for sale at Fresh Choice tomorrow at noon, to be put under the hammer by local auctioneer Steve Davis, along with a rimu tray made by Dot’s husband, Barry, and a handmade Christmas quilt.

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