Bon voyage, Richard and Karen

Richard Vaughan and Karen Coleman have left Cambridge to settle in the UK.

The big question mark over where Richard Vaughan and his partner Karen Coleman would go after leaving Cambridge has been answered.

The pair left New Zealand on Labour Day for the United Kingdom.  Re-settling in the UK was the ‘Plan A’ they had envisioned, and with the news lask week that Karen’s settlement visa has been granted – they’re off.

‘Plan B’ had been to settle somewhere on the New Zealand coast, but the official tick for Karen’s visa means they can now look for a property somewhere in their chosen area of coastal Wales, closer to family on both sides and ready to start the next stage in their lives.

Richard and Karen went public last month with their plans to leave Cambridge.  Both had carved out a substantial presence here in the past 12 years, volunteering their skills across a host of different organisations and groups and firmly embedding themselves in the community.

Richard let the Cambridge News know of the decision last week.  He said:

“Karen’s visa has been granted and we’re heading back to the UK on Labour Day. We shall really miss Cambridge and the wonderful people who live here. We’ve made some lovely friends and they and the town will always have a special place in our hearts.  So, it’s “Plan A’ and UK here we come.”

Bon voyage to a great pair.  Cambridge will miss you.

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