Mike shares latest from Community Board

Cambridge Community Board chairman Mike Pettit shares the latest from their September board meeting.

Mike Pettit

After receiving further information, the CCB (Cambridge Community Board) has passed a resolution recommending to council to reduce the number of councillors from 12 down to 10 across the district. The board has also recommended that the community board representation fall in line with this. The split recommended from the board would see four Cambridge councillors, one Maungatautari, three Te Awamutu, one Kakepuku and one from Pirongia.

CCB considers that rather than the emphasis being placed on the number of councillors, it is more important that the ability of those councillors to effectively deliver representation, service and governance for the ratepayers is considered.

Ten councillors would be expected to invest more time weekly than the current model (12 councillors) or the council’s preferred option (13 councillors). Although this may not lead to full time councillors it would introduce a remuneration level that would reward the extra time commitment, taking the salary from $29,540 to $38,400.  This extra remuneration could also encourage more residents to stand for council, possibly resulting in a wider demographic representation if the role is more financially sustainable.

The CCB believes the rural voice is very important for our district and under our proposal this representation would be retained with 30 per cent of councillors elected from rural wards compared with 30.7 per cent under the council’s option. The Ward boundaries would need to be redrawn, however this was inevitable over time anyway. As a community your thoughts are welcome.

The board also made a submission regarding the proposed Private Plan Change 11, relating to the Bardowie Industrial Precinct in Hautapu. Overall, we are in favour of this exciting development and the opportunities it will bring for employment and the huge spin-offs for our town. Over time it will give further opportunity for businesses to relocate to a purpose built area with a commercial and industrial focus. This may then present the possibility of freeing up more space around the wider centre of Cambridge for further retail and residential development.

Our CCB meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month starting with a Public Forum at 6pm, where members of the public are able to come and speak.

To place an item on the formal agenda, please do so at least 10 days before the meeting, either by emailing myself on; [email protected] or our CCB secretary, [email protected] or contact any board member by visiting the Waipa District Council website.



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