Guest speaker entertains support group

Dr Fred Simpson reading one of his poems, From the Old School, to the Cambridge Blind and Vision-impaired Support Group.

The Cambridge Blind and Vision-impaired Support Group had a special guest speaker recently, with Dr Fred Simpson from the Leamington Medical Centre talking about his life and sharing some of his poetry. Dr Simpson told of his journey from a childhood growing up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and his forays into labouring and selling pots and pans to American troops in Germany. Having established he was neither a born labourer nor salesperson, he eventually found his way to medicine. Moving to New Zealand 31 years ago, Dr Simpson spent 25 years as a GP in Tokoroa, commuting there from Cambridge for 21 of those years. Not only a doctor, he is currently writing his second novel and treated the assembled group to a couple of poetry readings.

The Cambridge Blind and Vision-impaired Support Group has been going for 43 years, offering advice and support to those in the Cambridge community. They meet at the Cambridge Baptist Church at 58 Queen St on the third Thursday of the month, with get-togethers alternating with outings. Entry is free. Phone Sue on 07 827 5844 or Karen on 07 827 3925 for more information.

Transport to the meetings may be available for those in need.

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